July 2013 TBRWell, just LOOK at my TBR. I might have “only” read 12 books last month (not all reviewed yet, in case you’re counting), but I seem to have got through some of the wider ones on the shelf, and look how good it’s looking (pop to the State of the TBR category to compare with previous months). Unfortunately, apart from the three Georgette Heyers I have already removed for Month of Re-Reading in July, nothing else is likely to leave the TBR next month; however, I’m going to make an effort not to add anything, either … We’ll see how that goes.

July 2013 PymCurrent reading is a bit of a cheat, as I started it in June, but I didn’t have a little one I could fit in before the end of the month. Because I’m going to the Barbara Pym Centenary Conference this month, I wanted to catch up with all the books on her, so there are two of her novels on the TBR pile and then this autobiography in letters and diary entries to read, too. It’s a good read although very full and detailed, so might well be background reading for a while as I skip through some novels, too

July 2013 coming upAnd this is the pile for Re-Reading. I added all the Georgette Heyers I had on the TBR as I know I’ve read them all before. The two Pyms (the one you can’t see the title of is “A Sweet Dove Died” are this and next month’s LibraryThing Virago Group reads, getting as many re-read as I can before the conference). M remembered enjoying Dance to the Music of Time on the TV and decided he’d like to read it on audio book, so I said I’d read along as we like doing that, just the first season this month, though. “Iceland Saga” is following a theme of reading books about Iceland that I’ve been doing recently. “Are You Dave Gorman?” is there because I’ve got a lot of these ‘quest’ books on the shelves and I’m wondering if they stand up to a re-read. The same is true of the Joanna Trollopes – I have all the early novels still, but do I need to keep them? And the Molly Moynahan is a random grab off the shelf – “Living in Arcadia” – do I need to keep that, as I thought I did at one stage?

I like to do a Jane Austen in these months. Ali is re-reading Emma next month, so I thought I’d go for the same one as her again. And she’s hosting an “Anita Brookner July” themed read, so I’m participating in that with a re-read of one of her early novels.

That’s quite a lot, but mainly novels and I should have a bit more reading time this month …

Is anyone else doing any Re-Reading in July? You don’t have to devote the whole month to it, but I do find it very rewarding (see my other months in the category cloud).