Feb 2016 TBRWe have An Experiment today. I was planning on coming up to the desk and typing out the thoughts I’d already written down in my reading journal about these two books. It was also in my mind that I’d mentioned my reading journal in a comment on someone else’s blog post, and it might be nice to share it. So, here’s the experiment – instead of typing it all out again, I’ve photographed my reading journal pages for the two books I’m reviewing here.

Please, please let me know what you think and if you like or dislike it. For these two, you need to know that “ing” = “interesting” – if this is a success, I will endeavour to write with fewer contractions. And if you have any kind of accessibility issue such as visual impairment, please let me know right away if this is not good for you and I’ll type them out and revert back to standard. Here goes, though … “bear with, bear with” as they said on the local radio station the other day.

Ken Livingstone – “You Can’t Say That”

(Bought The Works, 08 January 2015)

Ken Livingstone "You Can't Say That"

This book would suit: Well, I’m a lefty politics memoir reading history fan and I found it tough going for much of the first half … um …

David Bellos – “Is that a Fish in Your Ear?”

(21 January 2015 – birthday present)

David Bellos - "Is that a Fish in your Ear?"

This book would suit: Translators and other wordy people (in fact, so suitable for translators that the ones I offered it to already had it on loan from someone else!).

I’m currently still reading and loving Harold Nicolson’s Diaries and Letters, and I’ve started “To the Lighthouse” for #Woolfalong, although the review of that one will be next month!

Do let me know what you think of the new (lazy) format!

Edited to add black and white, higher contrast image to see if that’s better for VI people and accessibility.

2016 02 29 Fish bw