Aug 2016 TBRYes, I know it’s not quite 1 August yet, but the TBR situation isn’t going to change in the meantime, and I’ve got a lovely book that’s on sale from tomorrow that I want to review tomorrow … so here we are with the State of the TBR.  It doesn’t feel tooo bad to me (there is another one on the left that you can’t quite see, see photo of upcoming books below) although a bit messy, as I photographed it after having a 90 minute ‘nap’ (is that a nap or a sleep?) and forgot to remove my book in Icelandic, notebook and dictionary.

I hadn’t been taking much off the TBR, reading some review books and Kindle books, but then I had a lovely long read yesterday of a fab Ann Bridge book I’ll be reviewing later in the week, and I’ve taken Freddie Flintoff to start this evening.

Aug 2016 currently

So, coming up soon / currently reading alongside David Kynaston’s “Modernity Britain” (nearly done!), we have these lovelies (refer to my previous post for a fuller image of the two blue ones), two of which arrived this week and didn’t actually make it onto the TBR. I’m running a marathon in August (my first – and my LAST long training run, completed this morning, was the reason for the ‘nap’) so I wanted to read the inspiring “Your Pace or Mine?” which is about another more ‘sedate’ runner who has completed lots of exciting runs, and Jo Pavey is about to appear in the Olympics IN HER 40s so her book had to be bought, too. Freddy Flintoff rounds off a set of sporting reads: I fished him out of a box of books a running club friend donated to BookCrossing and I think he’ll make a light, fun read before I settle into the joys of All Virago / All August (some … in some of …)

Aug 2016 coming upAnd after those, this is what’s on the front of the TBR, and handily a load of Viragoes I’ve acquired from various people have bobbed to the top of the TBR, although only two of these (the two Whartons) are on my #20BooksOfSummer list, and the rest of those are on the back row, so we’ll see how I do with those and some other Viragoes. I’ll also be re-reading Orlando for #Woolfalong in August, probably on my trip to Iceland for the marathon, as it’s a re-read, a comfort read and a slim volume.

What are you all up to in August? Read any of these?