Acquired via BookCrossing 08 Jul 2009 – bookring

Letters between Nancy Mitford and Heywood Hill, who ran the bookshop at which she worked in the 1940s – they maintained a correspondance up until her death in the 1970s.  As jolly but not as inpenetrable as some of the letters between the Mitford sisters, these give a lovely flavour of a close and supportive friendship.

A delightful set of letters that I’ve devoured over a few days (I thought I should get it read, lest it disappear into the TBR’s yawning chasm) – I am having a bit of a Mitford Fest at the moment as also working my way through the complete letters, but this filled in some gaps and it was lovely having Heywood Hill’s letters too.  Intriguing how the editor of the book gets into its latter stages himself. Oh, and I’ll definitely have a look into the bookshop, as it’s still going apparently!