TBR June 2015Well, the actual TBR isn’t too bad, considering I haven’t read a huge number of books this month (8 read in the month, with two of those reviews to come on Tuesday; three were on Kindle) – I haven’t acquired too many, either, so that makes it easier. It’s a bit less petite than at the beginning of May, but never mind!

June 2015 currently readingI’m currently reading a non-fiction and a fiction book, the non-fiction book being on the Kindle, Rebecca Mead’s “The Road to George Eliot”, which is a book about the effect of “Middlemarch” on Mead’s life and her application of Eliot’s life to her books – which goes a bit against my ‘death of the author’ theory I subscribed to in my research, but then again, read the upcoming review for some major hypocrisy on my part there! The other current read was started last night: Robertson Davies’ wonderful “Salterton Trilogy”. I’m not sure whether I’ve read all of these books before and I’m not certain whether I’m going to read all three in one go or one per month, but we’ll see how it goes. A writer to savour. Have you read his essays? They’re amazing, too.

June 2015 next readI also plan to read Mary Hocking’s “March House” as my second book for fellow blogger Ali’s Mary Hocking Reading Week. “An Irrelevant Woman” was an interesting read, very redolent of a particular period in time, and it will be interesting to see what approach this one takes (the other book will be reviewed tomorrow). Of course, I also have the next in John Galsworthy’s Forsyte Saga to read, plus my next Trollope (I can’t wait!) – those are, again, both on Kindle.

June 2015 up nextAfter those, or while I’m reading the ebooks but want to have a print book to hand, I’ve got this rather diverse little selection. I have noted that the first three have been there for a while: now I’ve read a book of interviews with Iris Murdoch and I’m totally recovered from the flu, I think I’m brave enough to tackle these. Interspersed with something lighter, of course. “The Act of Reading” should be useful for my research, so it’ll be out with the postit markers again for that one!

What are you planning to read in June? Have you read any of my current and upcoming reads yourself?