I was determined to bring a few books off the front of the TBR this month in anticipation of picking my way through the whole thing during 20 Books of Summer. I was also very keen on reading this novel, having loved the author’s “The Vanishing Half” back in 2020. I think this one was reissued on the strength of that book’s success, however it was a New York Times Bestseller in its own right when it was published in 2016 – it is very accomplished as a first novel. I would like her to write some more although I see she’s recently been working on some “American Girls” books alongside a historical doll character she was invited to create.

Brit Bennett – “The Mothers”

(16 December 2021, BookCrossing Not So Secret Santa from Sam)

After a secret’s been told, everyone becomes a prophet. (p. 148)

It’s quite hard to review this book because it’s very plot-led. Basically we have three young people in San Diego connected to the church. Nadia’s mum has just taken her own life and she’s in a fog of grief, taking comfort where she can. Luke is a former football star, now injured, also the pastor’s son, and Aubrey, who becomes close to Nadia over a difficult summer, is the good girl with the difficult past, now living with her sister and her girlfriend (I think the only White character in the book).

So two girls without mothers, three characters seeking affection where they can find it, three characters who could be pulled from the stock character pile, but what she does with them when Nadia sleeps with Luke and gets pregnant defies your plot expectations and is beautifully done as we follow them over a number of years. And the mothers? Each chapter begins with a section in the first person plural voice (“We …”) which is a chorus of the church mothers, gossiping, finding out, commenting, thinking back to their own younger lives, breaking out secrets and telling who told.

Atmospheric, lyrically written, sad and clever, and a recommended read.

This is Book 29 in my 2024 TBR project – 112 to go!